External Vulnerability Scans (ASV)
All entities including merchants, service providers and financial institutions must get a quarterly scan completed to remain compliance with the PCI DSS standards. The table below lists the Quarterly network scan requirements for service providers by region.
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Visa USA & CEMEA – Service Provider Levels and Validation Actions
1. All VisaNet processors (member and non-member) and all payment gateways.
Validation Actions:-
a> Annual On-Site PCI Data Security Assessment
b> Quarterly Network Scan
2. Any service provider that is not in Level 1 and stores, processes, or transmits more than 1,000,000 Visa accounts/transactions annually.
Validation Actions:-
a> Annual On-Site PCI Data Security Assessment
b> Quarterly Network Scan
3. Any service provider that is not in Level 1 and stores, processes, or transmits fewer than 1,000,000 Visa accounts/transactions annually.
Validation Actions:-
a>Annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire
b>Quarterly Network Scan
*According to Visa, payment gateways are a category of agent or service provider that stores, processes, and/or transmits cardholder data as part of a payment transaction. Specifically, they enable payment transactions (e.g., authorization or settlement) between merchants and processors (VisaNet endpoints). Merchants may send their payment transactions directly to an endpoint, or indirectly to a payment gateway.
Visa Asia/Pacific – Service Provider Levels and Validation Actions
A> Self assessment questionnaire
More than 600,000 Visa transactions per year :- Optional
Between 120,000 and 600,000 Visa transactions per year :- Mandated
Less than 120,000 Visa transactions :- Mandated
B> Quarterly network scan
More than 600,000 Visa transactions per year :- Mandated
Between 120,000 and 600,000 Visa transactions per year :- Mandated
Less than 120,000 Visa transactions :- Recommended
c> Onsite review
More than 600,000 Visa transactions per year :- Mandated
Between 120,000 and 600,000 Visa transactions per year :- Recommended
Less than 120,000 Visa transactions :- Recommended
MasterCard – Service Provider Levels and Validation Actions
A> Leve 1
Description :- All TPPs. All DSE’s that store, transmit, or process greater than 1,000,000 total combined MasterCard and Maestro transactions annually.)
Validation Action :- 1>Annual On-Site PCI Data Security Assessment
2>Quarterly Network Scan
B> Leve 2
Description :-Includes all DSE’s that store, transmit, or process less than 1,000,000 total combined MasterCard and Maestro transactions annually.
Validation Action :- 1>Annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire
2>Quarterly Network Scan
PCI Data Security Standard Compliance for Merchants
Level 1:- Any merchant – regardless of acceptance channel – processing more than 6,000,000 Visa transactions per year
Any merchant that has suffered a hack or an attack that resulted in an account data compromise
Any merchant identified by any card association as Level 1
Validation Actions :- Annual On-Site Security Audit
and Quarterly Network Scan
Validated By:- Independent Security Assessor or Internal Audit if signed by an Officer of the company
Qualified Independent Scan Vendor
Level 2:- 1 million – 6 million Visa or MasterCard transactions per year
Validation Actions:- Annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire
and Quarterly Network Scan
Validated By:- Merchant Qualified Independent Scan Vendor
Level 3:- 20,000 – 1 million Visa or MasterCard e-commerce transactions per year
Validation Actions :-Annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire
and Quarterly Network Scan
Validated By:-Merchant Qualified Independent Scan Vendor
Level 4:- Less than 20,000 Visa or MasterCard e-commerce transactions per year, and all other merchants processing up to 1 million Visa or MasterCard transactions per year
Validation Actions :-Recommended Annual PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Quarterly Network Scan
Validated By:- Merchant Qualified Independent Scan Vendor
Note: While compliance is mandatory for Level 4 Merchants, validation is optional but strongly recommended